Dr. phil. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Dissertation: “Philoponus on τόπος. Redefining Place in Late Antiquity”. Dissertation advisors: Prof. Dr. Christoph Helmig (Universität zu Köln), Prof. Dr. Christian Wildberg (Princeton University). Note: magna cum laude.2013
Visiting Student Research Collaborator at Department of Classics, Princeton University.2011- 2012
Summer School “Griechische Paläographie, Handschriftenkunde und Editionswissenschaft“, Zentrum Grundlagenforschung Alte Welt, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW).2010
Courses on Greek Palaeography, Center for History and Palaeography (National Bank Cultural Foundation, MIET, Athens), (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Agamemnon Tselikas).2006- 2009
MPhil, Philosophy and History of Science, Department of Methodology, History and Theory of Sciences, University of Athens, Greece.2004- 2007
Summer Course “Philosophy and Science in the Greek-Roman world”, Centre for Hellenic Traditions, Central European University, Budapest.2006
BA Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Patras, Greece.1999- 2003